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Olga Lebed


The article is devoted  to the description of Russians ' attitude to his family life and the prospects of formation of state information policy aimed at strengthening family values, are the opinions of Russians about the forms in which the designated policy can be expressed. Also describes the opinions of these media workers – managers and rank – and-file journalists on the same theme. In real life, the Russians prefer to live married, have a family consisting of parents and children, although unable to recognize family members a wider range of persons living separately. Having children is the most important part of family life, however, spread having a small family with 1-2 children, who in their overwhelming majority do not plan to have more than 2 children. In their assessments of the possibility and necessity of influence on the content of media and the current state of information policy professional producers of media content have proved even more critical than the Russians in General.

If you compare the ideas of Russians about the perfect family and their actual family status, it appears that for the vast majority of Russians, the gap between the real profile and the ideal family is large enough. Only about 10% of respondents recorded a slight divergence between "ideal" and "reality." If talking about "the perfect family" the respondents often involve traditional family values, in their family life they are more guided by rational motives. The perfect view may diverge from reality for many reasons both subjective and objective in nature. A lot is determined by the fact that the real status of the Respondent may not meet the ideal due to natural circumstances - the age of reason (young or advanced age), living circumstances, health, etc. But there is another reason for the discrepancy between the ideal and reality. So, the concept of "ideal" respondents put a different meaning to different answers. Sometimes "ideal" was understood as a personal ideal, but more often interpreted as the ideal of social (socially recognized, socially approved). In this case, not just the difference between the ideal performance and the actual status, but the gap between the personal aspiration and socially approved models.

We can say that in the public mind as "ideal" is dominated by conventionally conservative positions in his own private life the respondents choose a more liberal behavior. And specified the "conservatism" of public opinion doesn't mean "Patriarchal"; as can be seen from the results of the survey, the Russians gradually "learn" quite a modern practice, family relations (for example – the choice of a "civil marriage", and in fact co-residence as a form of cohabitation and tolerance, acceptability of surrogate motherhood, patronage instead of adoption). It can be assumed that the demonstrated conservatism in the question of family relations, at least on the value level reflects the commitment of society to certainty, streamline, tired from the chaos that seems to provide the family.

Evaluation of the media of the current demographic situation in Russia in General were quite close to the population estimates, and can also be characterized as restrained alarming. Most journalists consider the situation of demographic threat, but still fixable in the case of the use of appropriate special measures.

The similarity of estimates of proposed measures to improve the population lies in the same set of the most popular, i.e., received the greatest endorsement as the population and journalists. Among them were: stimulation of the birth rate, alcoholism and drug addiction, and the development of health and propaganda of healthy lifestyle, i.e. General measures related to the improvement of the population and broadening the social support of the family. The peculiarity of the position of the media is, first and foremost, that of the three most popular measures in the first place they put the development of health and medicine – this measure was chosen by them as the most effective a half times more often than respondents in the mass survey of the population. Besides, journalists are almost twice as many ordinary citizens gave their votes to the same extent as the struggle with the reduction of unnatural death.

Journalists, like the Russian population in General, very unanimously approved the idea that the state should support moral values, increase the importance of the family and family values among Russians, including to influence the content of media, the editorial policy of the media, at least in the areas of strengthening family values. This can be expressed in the form of standards that are mandatory for media. In addition to the state entities, the regulation of media content has been named community councils, religious organizations and professional organizations of mass media. However, one third of the journalists says that he sees the example of his own and of other media of any action of the state to support family values in the media. Only 4% of the interviewed journalists believe that they see active actions of the state to support family values quite "often", i.e. in General, we can recognize the assessment of the current role of the state in supporting family values on the part of workers of mass-media quite restrained. The lack of demand for materials on domestic relations indicated 17% of respondents. But the reason why authors include material on the family in publishing or transmission by estimations of workers of mass-media, lies not in the lack of demand for content about family and family values, and the position of leadership of the editorial Board or the owner of the media (I think up to 33% of respondents) and improper format of the publication, program or channel.